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Signs and symptoms of being pregnant

Many people are unaware of some of the classic, common and early signs of being pregnant. In this post we will explore some of the common signs to help you identify a potential pregnancy much quicker and avoid you missing out on getting the best start to your pregnancy in terms of health, nutrition and taking advantage of our early pregnancy scans.

1) Missing a period.

Most women have a regular cycle and so if this is disrupted then it can be a good indicator that you may be expecting. As with anything in life, not everything runs to textbook or clockwork, but If you know you have missed a cycle see your GP or visit the chemist for a pregnancy test and reassurance. Keep in mind that missed periods can occur due to many factors such as medication and stress so a missed period does not always equal pregnancy.

2) Feeling sick.

Of course we are referring to morning sickness. Despite the name, morning sickness doesn’t have to happen in the morning – it can happen at any time of day or night and usually begins quite early on in the pregnancy. Whilst it is common it can be very draining so go easy on yourself at this time. If it is happening frequently and you are struggling to eat normally, then see your doctor as soon as you can to avoid malnutrition and dehydration.

3) Changes in your senses.

This is often a difficult one to describe as it can cover many things. Many women get cravings and this can often culminate in going for new foods or foods that were once never appealing. Conversely foods that you usually love suddenly become unappealing. This is not limited to food either and affects your liquid intake also. Further signs of a sensory nature include your nose, which may become more aware of smells, and you may get a change of taste in your mouth which some pregnant women have compared to the taste of pennies!

4) Tiredness.

It’s not surprising that with all the changes that go on during pregnancy that tiredness is a big factor. Changes in hormone levels are common during this time which adds to feelings of less energy. The other symptoms are likely to make you feel fatigued as a consequential result.

This is not an exhaustive list, and no two people are affected in the same way, but these are some of the generic examples that most women experience. The best way to find out if you are pregnant is to actually take the test!

After you’ve found out you're pregnant, you may be interested in our [early pregnancy scan.] Click the link to find out more.

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