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How to tackle fussy eaters!

How to tackle the fussy eating stage, when your child really starts to take note of what is on their plate and if it isn't in the shape of a dinosaur and is the colour green, it can turn into a nightmare instead of a relaxing family meal.

First of all, try not to feel disheartened, it's a completely normal phase, so try your best to hide your feelings of frustration. When your child does eat at meal times, praise them, turn meal times into a positive time not a negative ordeal.

The best advice to offer is to get creative! Think about what your child does enjoy eating and include that alongside those foods they refuse to eat. Maybe it's a homemade chicken or turkey burger, you can add lots of healthy extras such as sweet potato wedges and carrot sticks with a yoghurt dip instead of bottled sauces. Try different things but with their favourite meals. You can even create your own ice lollies by freezing smoothies, that way you can ensure that your child is getting plenty of nutrients and also a sweet treat at the end of their meal.

It is very important not to fall into the habit of bribing your child with food's. Don't tell them if they refuse to eat their meal they can't have dessert, this gives a very negative approach to meal times and healthy foods. Instead find ways in which you can disguise foods by blending them in with others until your child is over the fussy eating stage, this is a great way to make sure that they are eating as healthily as possible.

If you discover some helpful tips and recipes, we'd love to know what they are, get in touch!

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