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How to stay healthy over the festive period

It's hard enough ordinarily but when you're expecting you are even more conscious to keep up with the healthy lifestyle for you and your baby. So here are our five top tips to help you make healthier choices over the festive period.

1. If you're going out in the evening and think you may over indulge, then make sure you start the day with a nutritious healthy breakfast. Try some scrambled eggs, seeds, toasted rye and avocado, or a bowl of porridge with berries. Stay well hydrated and make sure you eat little and often throughout the day.

2. If you are a fan of puddings then choose the traditional Christmas pudding, because it contains plenty of nuts, raisins, sultanas and eggs its packed full of nutrients, such as magnesium, calcium, protein and vitamins.

3. This is the time of year that everyone is handing our canapés or offering a buffet. Try to avoid anything deep fried or lots of pastry. Instead opt for salmon, fish or egg based canapés and also those carrot and cucumber sticks will do you a world of good!

4. Staying hydrated is incredibly important for you and the baby. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and avoid too much caffeine.

5. Sleep! It is always important for health and general wellbeing, but even more so over Christmas. Especially if you're entertaining and finding yourself on your feet more than usual. Aim for 8 hours each night.

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