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NIPT Non Invasive Pre-natal Testing

Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT)

It has been discovered that a simple blood sample from the mother at any time from 10 weeks of pregnancy can be analysed for cell free fetal DNA, which is essentially a marker in the mother’s blood of the DNA of the baby. This has come to be known as ‘non-invasive prenatal testing’ (NIPT). Although NIPT is not diagnostic, large scale studies have shown the test has a detection rate of more than 99.9% for Down’s syndrome (Trisomy 21); 98% with Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18) and Patau’s syndrome (Trisomy 13) and 95% for Turner syndrome. This is great news as it reduces the need for invasive testing such as CVS or amniocentesis and the associated risk of miscarriage. This test is not currently offered to women on the NHS but according to the SoR, (SN Synergy news, The society of Radiographers) from 2018/19 women whose chance of having a baby with Downs, Edwards or Patau's syndrome is greater than 1 in 150, will be offered the test.

The cost of undertaking NIPT at Premier Scans is £450.


How is the sample taken? A simple blood sample is taken from your arm, from 10 weeks gestation by a healthcare professional. How long will it take to get the results? Once the sample is received at the laboratory it can take between 3-5 working days to perform the test. What are my options if I have a high risk result for a trisomy? With your permission, Premier scans will speak to your screening midwife or Doctor and the next steps with be discussed with your healthcare provider. What are the differences between Iona and Genesis Serenity? The difference is that Genesis serenity offer sex chromosome testing at no additional cost, which is linked to conditions such as Klinefelter syndrome and Turner syndrome however, this will determine the sex of the baby. If you do not want to know the sex we can undertake the test for the 3 main chromosomes only (T13, T18 and T21). Your midwife will discuss this with you during your appointment to ensure you get the correct test.


Premier Scans Ltd currently uses two UK based clinical laboratories which are Genesis Serenity and Iona. The sonographer will talk you through the differences at the time of booking and we will also send over further information via email prior to you attending your appointment, so that you book the right test for you.

If you would like to book an NIPT or discuss in further details, please call 01455 363060 or email

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