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Food's to avoid during Pregnancy

There are certain foods that need to be avoided during your pregnancy for a variety of reasons. Thanks to the A-Z of pregnancy and nutrition by Vitabiotics and the NHS, we have put together a useful post to help guide you through what foods you should be avoiding throughout your pregnancy.

There are several cheeses that should be avoided throughout your pregnancy. Mould ripened soft cheeses such as Brie, camembert, Danish blue and blue varieties. This is because they may carry harmful bacteria. Instead opt for hard cheeses.

All types of pates should be avoided as they may contain listeria, this also includes vegetable pates.

Your portion of oily fish should be reduced to no more than two each week. Fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines and trout. Fish is incredibly important for your Omega 3 intake but too much can contain very high levels of contaminants.

Raw fish should not be part of your diet whilst pregnant, it outs you at risk of food poisoning as well consuming harmful bacteria's. Shellfish is absolutely fine as long as it is part of a hot meal and cooked thoroughly.

If you love eggs its important to know that whilst pregnant you should make sure you only consume eggs that have been cooked thoroughly to prevent the risk of salmonella.

The next one is kind of a no brainer! Alcohol. According to the department of health's advice you should avoid alcohol if pregnant or trying to conceive. If you do decide you wish to continue to drink alcohol make sure you do not drink more than 1-2 units once to twice per week. Alcohol affects your babies growth and development.

Another that's pretty obvious is not to smoke. Smoking could cause poor baby growth and a low birth weight. Smoking can be very harmful for your unborn child so try taking some advice from you GP or midwife on how to stop before conceiving.

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