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Choose the right foods during your pregnancy

"Private Ultrasound Clinic"

Nutrition can be confusing at any point in your life, but when it comes to choosing the right foods during your pregnancy, you need to take more care with your choice of diet. So we've put together a post to help you understand the do's and don'ts of food during your pregnancy.

It doesn't have to be over complicated, we've all heard of the term, 'eating clean', well its as simple as that! During and after your pregnancy it's so important you make the right diet decisions for you and your babies health. Make sure your diet consists of a balanced and varied selection of foods rich in vitamins and minerals and minimise processed foods. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Eating at least one portion of oily fish per week will help towards your vitamin D intake.

During your pregnancy you'll need to ensure you're getting the right amount of micronutrients. Your body will be in higher demand of folic acid, vitamin D, calcium and iron. You can introduce supplements to your diet to ensure you're getting your (RDA)

  • Take a supplement (0.4mg) of folic acid and chose foods rich in folates from before conception until around 12 weeks gestation.

  • Take a daily supplement of vitamin D (10mcg)

  • Take at least 2.5mcg vitamin B12

  • Multi vitamins, speak with your GP or pharmacist about the options, you may be able to have a multivitamin such as Vitabiotics Pregnacare Plus.

Before changing your diet or introducing supplements, please consult your GP.

The Do's:

  • We know you need to be eating plenty of fresh fruit, salads and vegetables, but prepping is equally as important. Wash everything thoroughly! Its important to not expose yourself and baby to any harmful germs that may be present on fresh foods, even pre-packed salads and fruits should be washed.

  • Egg's a great nutrient source, but make sure you cook thoroughly to avoid salmonella.

  • Drink pasteurised or UHT milk

  • Limit caffeine to 200mg per day (something I would struggle with) but high levels of caffeine could result in low birth weight or even miscarriage.

The Don'ts

  • Avoid liver and pate's, both may contain large amounts of vitamin A which could be harmful to your unborn baby.

  • Have no more than two portions of oily fish per week they contain high level of contaminants. It is important to have one portion per week for the Omega 3 content.

  • Don't eat raw shellfish, it could contain harmful bacterial and viruses that may lead to food poisoning.

  • Avoid alcohol, we all know this is a must during conceiving and pregnancy, but if you choose to continue to have the odd tipple then drink no more than 1-2 units once or twice per week.

  • Limit tuna intake, it contains high levels of mercury.

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