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Ten Top Tips for healthy eating during your pregnancy

The best advice for healthy eating is of course everything in moderation. We all deserve a treat now and again, but if you want to give your baby the best possible start in life then here are our top ten tips for eating healthy!

1. Water, it's free and full of minerals! Drink plenty of water daily as you'll find being pregnant means that you will actually become more dehydrated than usual.

2. Everyone has heard the saying, 'I'm eating for two', and whilst that is most certainly true, it is incredibly important the foods you choose are not too overindulgent. Try smoothies, yoghurts, fresh fruits and nuts. You could even try making your own protein and granola bars. There's lots of quick an easy recipes online for healthy alternative snacks.

3. Get your five a day! Make sure you try to incorporate fresh fruit and vegetables with every meal. Stocking up on important vitamins and minerals will help the health of you and your baby during your pregnancy and beyond.

4. Make sure you're getting the right amount of protein daily! You can ask your GP for advice, but try and incorporate lean meats, fish, eggs, soya and nuts into meal times.

5. Eat fish, you can see our vitamin D post for more information on this very important vitamin during pregnancy. But aim for two portions per week. If fish makes you run for the bathroom! Then speak with a pharmacist or GP about taking an omega 3 supplement.

6. Calcium is very importnant, so be sure to include plenty of milk, eggs, cheese and yoghurts. Its vital for your babies teeth and bone health.

7. Breakfast is important whether you're pregnant or not, but during pregnancy you will need more energy than usual. You'll probably be feeling more tired too, so don't deprive yourself of important minerals and vitamins, give yourself an energy boost. We discussed protein earlier, breakfast is a great way to contribute to your protein intake. Try oats, milk and blueberries, or eggs with some wholegrain bread and avocado.

8. Exercise often, gaining too much weight during your pregnancy could result in high blood pressure. Try and stay fit and healthy by walking or swimming, or if you're already a regular gym goer, then speak with your GP, or gym instructor about the best form of exercise throughout your pregnancy.

9. I always suggest for people to switch from white rice, breads, pasta's and cereal to brown rice and pastas and wholegrains. It'll help with constipation prevention and also reduce weight gain.

10. Eat plenty of Vitamin C, in order for your body to help you to absorb and use iron more efficiently, you should make sure you eat plenty of citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, lemons, tomatoes and grapefruits.

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